Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of HMMVoiceCreation

09/01/10 12:16:41 (14 years ago)



  • HMMVoiceCreation

    v15 v16  
    9898And run the following components: 
    101 '''1-''' Run the HMMVoiceDataPreparation of the HMM Voice Trainer group to set up the environment to create a HMM voice and check if required external programs and text and wav files are available and in the correct paths.  
    103 '''2-''' Run the AllophonesExtractor of the Automatic Labeling group to create the '''prompt_allophones''' directory required in the next step. This component requires the MARY server. [[BR]] 
    105 '''3-''' Run the EHMMlabeler component of the Automatic Labeling group to label automatically the wav files using the corresponding transcriptions. If the pauses at the beginning and end of your recordings are longer than 0.2 seconds, you might consider to reduce these pauses using the tool: Convert recorded audio (as explained in [wiki:NewLanguageSupport NewLanguageSupport] No. 9) to trim initial and final silences.[[BR]] 
     100'''1-''' Run the AllophonesExtractor of the Automatic Labeling group to create the '''prompt_allophones''' directory required in the next step. This component requires the MARY server. [[BR]] 
     102'''2-''' Run the EHMMlabeler component of the Automatic Labeling group to label automatically the wav files using the corresponding transcriptions. If the pauses at the beginning and end of your recordings are longer than 0.2 seconds, you might consider to reduce these pauses using the tool: Convert recorded audio (as explained in [wiki:NewLanguageSupport NewLanguageSupport] No. 9) to trim initial and final silences.[[BR]] 
    112109The result of this step is a '''ehmm/lab''' directory. 
    114 '''4-''' Run the LabelPauseDeleter component of the Automatic Labeling group. Please use the settings editor of this component to set the variable: 
     111'''3-''' Run the LabelPauseDeleter component of the Automatic Labeling group. Please use the settings editor of this component to set the variable: 
    116113   LabelPauseDeleter.threshold  =  10 
    118115The result of this step is a '''lab''' directory. 
    120 '''5-''' Run the TranscriptionAligner component of the Label-Transcript Alignment group.  This program will create the '''allophones''' directory. 
    122 '''6-''' Run the PhoneUnitLabelComputer component of the Label-Transcript Alignment group. This procedure has as input the '''lab''' directory and will create as an output the  '''phonelab''' directory.  
    124 '''7-''' Run the FeatureSelelection component of the Feature Extraction group. This program will create a '''mary/features.txt''' file, it requires the MARY server running. Select here all the features and save the file. 
    126 '''8-''' Run the PhoneUnitFeatureComputer component of the Feature Extraction group to extract context feature vectors from the text data. This procedure will create a '''phonefeatures''' directory. For running this component the MARY server should be running as well.  
    128 '''9-''' Run the PhonelabelFeatureAligner component of the Verify Alignment group. This procedure will verify alignment between "phonefeatures" and "phonelabels".[[BR]] 
     117'''4-''' Run the TranscriptionAligner component of the Label-Transcript Alignment group.  This program will create the '''allophones''' directory. 
     119'''5-''' Run the PhoneUnitLabelComputer component of the Label-Transcript Alignment group. This procedure has as input the '''lab''' directory and will create as an output the  '''phonelab''' directory.  
     121'''6-''' Run the FeatureSelelection component of the Feature Extraction group. This program will create a '''mary/features.txt''' file, it requires the MARY server running. Select here all the features and save the file. 
     123'''7-''' Run the PhoneUnitFeatureComputer component of the Feature Extraction group to extract context feature vectors from the text data. This procedure will create a '''phonefeatures''' directory. For running this component the MARY server should be running as well.  
     125'''8-''' Run the PhonelabelFeatureAligner component of the Verify Alignment group. This procedure will verify alignment between "phonefeatures" and "phonelabels".[[BR]] 
    130127As a result of previous steps we should have:[[BR]] 
     138'''9-''' Run the HMMVoiceDataPreparation of the HMM Voice Trainer group to set up the environment to create a HMM voice and check if required external programs and text and wav files are available and in the correct paths.  
    141140'''10-''' Run the HMMVoiceConfigure component of the HMM Voice trainer group. The default setting values are already fixed for the arctic slt voice, some path settings depend on your installation, and will be taken from $MARY_BASE/lib/external/externalBinaries.config 
    151150Using the settings editor of this component you can also change other variables like using LSP instead og MGC, sampling frequency, etc., the same as you would do when running "make configure + parameters" with the original HTS scripts. 
    153 '''11-''' Run the HMMVoiceFeatureSelection component of the HMM Voice trainer group. This program reads the '''mary/features.txt''' file (created in step 11), and generates the file '''mary/hmmFeatures.txt'''. The hmmFeatures.txt file contains extra features, apart from phone and phonological features, that will be used to train HMMs. Select on the window extra features for training or simply copy on the window the following:[[BR]] 
     152'''11-''' Run the HMMVoiceFeatureSelection component of the HMM Voice trainer group. This program reads the '''mary/features.txt''' file (created in step 6), and generates the file '''mary/hmmFeatures.txt'''. The hmmFeatures.txt file contains extra features, apart from phone and phonological features, that will be used to train HMMs. Select on the window extra features for training or simply copy on the window the following:[[BR]] 
    230229The HMMVoicePackager will pack in a zip file located in MARY_BASE/download the following files:  [[BR]] 
    231230- A mary config file: german-hsmm-voice.config [[BR]] 
    232 - HMM files corresponding to this voice: [[BR]] 
     231- HMM files corresponding to this voice:  
    233232  - one example of phonefeatures for testing the synthesiser: data/phonefeatures/cmu_us_arctic_slt_xxxx.pfeats  [[BR]] 
    234233  - the HTS trees: voices/qst001/ver1/*.inf  [[BR]] 
    268267Marcela Charfuelan[[BR]] 
    269 Tue Aug 31 18:23:02 CEST 2010 
     268Wed Sep  1 12:15:40 CEST 2010