105 | | '''3-''' Run the EHMMlabeler component of the Automatic Labeling group to label automatically the wav files using the corresponding transcriptions. This procedure might |
106 | | take several hours. For running EHMMLabeler, please use the settings editor of this component to set, according to your festvox installation, the variable: |
| 105 | '''3-''' Run the EHMMlabeler component of the Automatic Labeling group to label automatically the wav files using the corresponding transcriptions. If the pauses at the beginning and end of your recordings are longer than 0.2 seconds, you might consider to reduce these pauses using the tool: Convert recorded audio (as explained in [wiki:NewLanguageSupport NewLanguageSupport] No. 9) to trim initial and final silences.[[BR]] |
| 106 | |
| 107 | |
| 108 | The EHMMLabeler procedure might take several hours. For running EHMMLabeler, please use the settings editor of this component to set, according to your festvox installation, the variable: |
151 | | '''11-''' Run the HMMVoiceFeatureSelection component of the HMM Voice trainer group. This program reads the '''mary/features.txt''' file (created in step 11), and generates the file '''mary/hmmFeatures.txt'''. This file contains extra features, apart from phone and phonological features, that will be used to train HMMs. When running this program a small set of features will be presented on top, separated by an empty line:[[BR]] |
152 | | {{{ |
153 | | pos_in_syl |
154 | | syl_break |
155 | | prev_syl_break |
156 | | position_type |
157 | | |
158 | | accented |
159 | | accented_syls_from_phrase_end |
160 | | accented_syls_from_phrase_start |
161 | | breakindex |
162 | | edge |
163 | | ... |
164 | | }}} |
165 | | If you are not sure about using other features, use the first four, delete the others and save the file. |
| 153 | '''11-''' Run the HMMVoiceFeatureSelection component of the HMM Voice trainer group. This program reads the '''mary/features.txt''' file (created in step 11), and generates the file '''mary/hmmFeatures.txt'''. The hmmFeatures.txt file contains extra features, apart from phone and phonological features, that will be used to train HMMs. Select on the window extra features for training or simply copy on the window the following:[[BR]] |
| 154 | {{{ |
| 155 | accented |
| 156 | next_tobi_endtone |
| 157 | onsetcoda |
| 158 | prev_accent |
| 159 | next_is_pause |
| 160 | tobi_accent |
| 161 | syl_break |
| 162 | pos_in_syl |
| 163 | stressed |
| 164 | prev_syl_break |
| 165 | segs_from_word_start |
| 166 | selection_prosody |
| 167 | prev_is_pause |
| 168 | next_tobi_accent |
| 169 | syls_from_phrase_start |
| 170 | words_from_phrase_start |
| 171 | tobi_endtone |
| 172 | }}} |
| 173 | Delete other features and save. |